Sunday, December 16, 2012


Final Project for Web 2.0

Click Here for the Final Project ScreenCast Jing Video

Sadly, this class is coming to an end.  I have to say, I frequently looked forward to the Web 2.0 projects.  It has been a fun class and an informative class.

I posted a Wordle below depicting some of the learning outcomes I have obtained from this course.  Although I thought this class would be somewhat informative, I learned much more than I predicted.  I feel much more informed about the newest ways to accomplish tasks online.  I have never been consistent in blogging.  Now that I have created a blogging habit, I am hoping to continue.  I have seen World creations but never knew the site existed until this class.  I never realized how easy they are to create.  Although I found grabbing a screen shot from Jing creates a better quality image than copying and pasting the code from Wordle.

I found the topic on Net Neutrality quite informative.  I believe this is something more people should get behind.  Although I am a business person, I feel there are certain things that should be kept in the public domain.  The internet is something that should be kept open and available, not commercialized.  Commercialization will allow the Internet to be dissected  into "premium" and "standard" content to be blocked or allowed.  Maybe parental controls should be more readily available to allow parents to control what comes into their house and in front of their children's eyes.

*Retrieved from
I found Jing to be a great tool!  The video and screen capturing capabilities and ease of use are amazing!  If I ever go back into the computer training field, I will be utilizing this tool a great deal.  This could facilitate a whole host of training functions.  I have also found uses for this in my current job, as a training coordinator.

The Google Reader is a great tool to keep up to date on blogs.  I have created a long list of blogs that I read to keep me informed about what is happening in the business world.  I have left my business for now, but I am always looking for a new opportunity.  I am also curious if other classmates are going to continue blogging after class has finished.  It would be nice to read there after class posts also.

Symbaloo is a wonderful visual tool.  Although favorites and bookmarks are great this is better because you can visualize and get a better handle on what websites you have saved.  What a simple yet wonderful tool!

Twitter is something that I wanted to learn more about.  I understood the basics, but now feel more comfortable tweeting and searching.

Final Project Web 2.0 by woodl on GoAnimate

Animated Presentations - Powered by GoAnimate.

GoAnimate, What a fun tool!  Finding animated characters to send your message to your audience sends a casual and unintimidating message.  It is a great way to soften a tough topic!

Animation Software - Powered by GoAnimate. 

The business world is constantly changing, so to be successful one needs to pay attention.  Mobile Devices are a large part of how small business people can compete with the larger companies.   Having information at your fingertips is the key!

Business networking is always a must.  In the digital age, LinkedIn is the networking tool to use.  It never hurts to reach out to connect with other business people in what ever manner possible.

I learned so much about Google Docs!  I thought I knew about Google Docs because I used the tools when they first came out.  Wow, have they changed!  The form tool is something that I have already made use of at work.  I created an electronic evaluation form and in seconds, created a summary sheet.  Now that saved hours of frustration and detail work!

SoundCloud  took me awhile to get my head around it, but now that I did I am happy I took the time to investigate this tool.  What a great tool for keeping notes, organizing music, discovering new music, and even personalizing a Facebook post.  Have you ever had a hard time typing the emotion you feel when posting?  Record a SoundCloud and post it to Facebook.  People will hear your excitement!
I thought it would be a great tool for people who can't be together for the holidays also.  The sound of someone's voice always sends a message much faster than the typed word!

Click Here to hear the SoundCloud entry

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