Monday, September 10, 2012

Net Neutrality

Net Neutrality


Net neutrality keeps the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from blocking internet content.  As it stands now an ISP cannot block or diminish a signal from any internet site.  They must keep the internet open and available.  Although I wish there were better ways to block some of the obscene material from the eyes of children, I do believe that the ISPs should not be allowed to block internet data.  I believe people should have the right to access material when and how they choose.  If ISPs are left in charge of what we see, the internet will get “dumbed down” like television is currently.  I want the freedom to look for educational material, music, books, shopping and, yes at times some dumb but entertaining material.  I want choices. 

Latest News

Tonight the FCC presented a 121 page paper to the federal appeals court outlining the reasons Internet freedoms should be upheld. 

In the Hillicon Valley, Genachowski vowed to "vigorously defend" his agency's open-Internet principles.
"Internet freedom is essential for U.S. innovation and economic leadership. As we predicted, since the FCC's adoption of Internet freedom protections in 2010, which increased certainty and strengthened incentives to innovate and invest, we've seen significant increases in innovation and investment in Internet applications and services as well as in broadband network," he said[1]

If we don't stop the ISPs, they might charge us extra for "premium" content and decide what we can see for free.  It is important that we exercise our rights for freedom and fight for the right to see the entire Internet, not just the blocked or constrained version your ISP is willing to give you.

[1] Sasso, Brandon, The Hillicon Valley, 9/10/12 @7:07PM, “FCC urges court to uphold net neutrality rules”. 

Into the Internet

Internet Defined
The Internet is a network of networks designed to share information and other resources.  Internet information is transmitted through high speed networks owned by large corporations, but these corporations do not own the Internet.  No one owns the Internet.  It is monitored by  a few organizations to standardize the development.  Follow this link to learn more about Who Owns the Internet?

Internet Uses
The Internet is used by many people in society.  People use it to shop, work, play games, pay bills, bank, find recipes, do homework, take college courses, do research and much more.  Anytime people are sharing information electronically, the internet can play a part.  

History of the Internet
The Internet began back in the early 1960’s when the Government decided to connect computers so they can distribute data and computing power to more than one location. The first network of four computers was referred to as ARPANET and is the backbone of the Internet as we now know it today.  For more information click here to visit the "how stuff works" site

Connecting to the Internet
Libraries, schools, businesses and other large organizations can connect their Local Are Network (LAN) directly to the Internet.  When they so this, all of the computers on that network are connected to the Internet.  

Internet Service Providers (ISP) connect people who don't have a direct connection to the Internet.  A company or person can connect to the ISP and the ISP is connected to the Internet.  The speed of the connection is determined by the bandwidth.  There are several different types of connections which vary in speed and bandwidth.  The connections type are dial-up, DSL, ADSL, Cable, mobile wireless and fixed wireless.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

How to Blog

*flickr picture

Use Simple Language
Try to avoid using technical jargon.  If you use language that only a segment of the market understands, you will be limiting your audience.   

Get to Your Point Quickly
You only have seconds to capture someone's attention.  People tend to scan quickly when reading on the internet. 

As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.  Insert pictures to add interest.

White Space
Use plenty of white-space so it is easy to read.

Insert links to other pages.
Content Warfare

Read other blogs, magazines, books and anything to keep you thinking to come up with new ideas.  Don't just read, but notice how the writer is writing to get your attention.

Ask and Engage
Ask questions to get others interested and engaged.

Regular Schedule
Keep blogging on a regular schedule.  Use it or lose it.  People will stop visiting if there is no new content.

Blogs Don't Need to be Perfect
Don't worry if your blog is not perfect not everyone is going to be John Steinbeck.

How to Write
Write casually but clear.

Do Something New
Add something new.  Don't blog about the same stuff everyone else is writing about.  Find a different angle or a  completely different topic.

Take Risks
Don't always be safe.  Sometimes just go out on a limb and say something that no one else will.  This will increase your subscribers. 

Invite a conversion.  Get people talking about a recent event or a topic of public interest.  Use your imagination and find a reason for them to come back to your blog on a regular basis. 

Find your voice and use it consistently. 

*Picture found here:

**Picture found on